Project outputs


ITALY.Survey_Social media

Social Media and School on Facebook:

Safer Internet Day:

CZ – Selection questionnaireNr.3 questionnaire


Students´ videos – Social Media:,



QUIZ Social Networks_CzRQuiz social network results_CzR

Italy.cyber-racism (1)


 Social Media – Public Awareness Campaign:  Social MediaQuestionnaire SOC.MEDIASoc.Media quiz resultsPublic Awareness Campaign.Social Media.WorkplanLeaflet.Adv.xDisadv.of Soc.MediaLeaflet.Don´t be caught on the Internet

ICT demonstrative lessonE-safety Poster Planner-1Lesson plan safetySelf Assessment-1Self Assessment-SEN-Lower ability-1Social Networking Help Sheet-1

Physical education – demonstrative lessonphysical lessonSTUDENT’s worksheet




Travelling through Europe:



About project

SOCIAL MEDIA AND SCHOOL (SMS) partnership includes schools from:

  • Germany (Werner von Siemens Gymnasium)
  • Italy (Liceo Statale „Carlo Troya“)
  • The Czech Republic (EDUCAnet – Střední odborná škola Pardubice, s.r.o.)
  • The United Kingdom (Lewisham College)
  • France (Ensemble Scolaire Notre Dame)
  • Turkey (İşmont Halil Bildirici Teknik Ve Endüsti Meslek Lisesi)

     Project main objective is offering alternatives to students´ spending time on internet and social networks to reduce school abandonment and improve learning through strategies and methods to motivate them finish studies and prepare for future education and formation.

Specific objectives:

  1.  to prevent and/or reduce social-media students´ addiction, by promoting ICT skills and rational, educational use of the Internet and social media
  2. to promote common values, cultural diversity, tolerance, respect, understanding of languages, cultures, civilizations as alternatives to spending time online
  3. to promote the education for a healthy lifestyle among students, teachers, parents and community as part of the education for an active citizenship in Europe
  4. to enrich partner schools´ portfolio with strategies, and nationally and internationally efficient practices for promoting students and teachers´ edcuational advancement and communication skills as means of achieving their objectives
  5. to improve information, instruction and student accountability in online safety, developing digital and media skills, improving their learning and preparing them for future edcuation and formation.

Students´ will do a reserach on Social Media use by teenagers from various EU countries, working in teams and promoting collaboration, assertiveness and integrity.

      Education has a social and economic role in acquisition by Europe´s citizens of key competencies necessary to adapt flexibly to changes and working life. These key competencies, promoted by EU member states, are necessary for adult life and form also a basis for further learning.

     This project answers a common need to develop these competencies in our school environment.

     The project will also give our students the chance to understand the diversity of European cultures and values preparing them for a global society based on knowledge and inter-cultural dialogue. This project´s objectives can only be achieved through an international collaborative partnership. The students and teachers will improve their key competencies, necessary for their personal developmnt and socio-professional integration and an active European citizenship, in the context of increasing educational and professional mobility in Europe and worldwide.